The four-million-copy international bestseller of the incredible love story between a European woman and an African warrior. The White Masai combines adventure and the pursuit of passion in a page-turning story of two star-crossed lovers from vastly different backgrounds. Corinne, a European entrepreneur, meets Lketinga, a Samburu warrior, while on vacation in Mombasa on Kenya's glamorous coast. Despite language and cultural barriers, they embark on an impossible love affair. Undaunted by wild animals, hunger, and bouts with tropical diseases, she tries to forge a life with Lketinga. But slowly the dream starts to crumble when she can no longer ignore the chasm between their two vastly different cultures. A story that taps into our universal belief in the power of love, The White Masai is at once a hopelessly romantic love story, a gripping adventure yarn, and a compulsively good read. Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Corinne Hofmann. The four-million-copy international bestseller of the incredible love story between a European woman and an African warrior The White Masai combines adventure and the pursuit of passion in a page-turning story of two star-crossed lovers from vastly different backgrounds. Genres Nonfiction Biography Memoir Travel Kenya Autobiography Biography Memoir Loading interface About the author. Corinne Hofmann 8 books 96 followers. Corinne Hofmann was born in of a French mother and a German father in Frauenfield Die Weiße Massai Sex the Swiss canton of Thurgau, now lives in a villa on Lake Lugano with her teenage daughter. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. Petra It's a year now, still in a dark place. Swiss woman falls in love with a stunningly beautiful Masai man. Sometimes they sell souvenirs to tourists and eat in cafes in the city. Sometimes they live in his mother's dark round mud, cow shit and straw hut and eat raw meat and drink blood drained from a living cow. In the hut, away from the town, she finds out that sexual manners for Masai are that she lies there absolutely still and shows no passion just as if she had her clitoris cut off and labia sewn up like the real Masai women. Perhaps she lay there thinking of writing this book in the short time before it's over. The marriage doesn't last either. That's the nugget of it anyway. But who could resist falling for that beautiful man? Here is a link to a blog about Masai women's lives Here is a blog of Die Weiße Massai Sex ten countries with the most beautiful men in Africa. I was ok with these good looking men until I got to the last one. Oh my, oh oh my. I'd have lived in a hut too If that link doesn't work, go here and search for Somalia. Corinne did the right thing, sometimes what ultimately is wrong, was right. Sometimes the means are all that counts. The end. Katherine Howell. Now - before I started and indeed after Die Weiße Massai Sex the first few chapters, this book is making me angry.
„Ein Halbgott, als ich ihn kennenlernte“
Die weiße Massai by Corinne Hofmann | Goodreads Und was den Sex betrifft, da war nicht viel. Die Liebe wird zur Aufklärungsstunde in Sachen Sex: Ihre Kulturdifferenzen werden im Bett überwunden. Die Samburu glauben, dass die Kinder eine verstopfte Nase bekommen, wenn eine Schwangere Verkehr. Als Durchhaltebonus für die üblichen. Corinne Hofmann: Die weiße MassaiIhr Name. I don't know if that is the translation, but I will give it one star for that. She never seemed to respect his culture or understand that her behavior created a lot of problems too. If I have to say one good thing about it to give it one star, the writing isn't bad. Er hat auch Gefühle entwickelt.
Ihre Meinung zählt.
She learns fairly quickly that kissing and physical contact is completely taboo, and the sex is perfunctory, but still when the object of her lust. Die Liebe wird zur Aufklärungsstunde in Sachen Sex: Ihre Kulturdifferenzen werden im Bett überwunden. Als Durchhaltebonus für die üblichen. Ein ‚Moran'. Die Samburu glauben, dass die Kinder eine verstopfte Nase bekommen, wenn eine Schwangere Verkehr. Und was den Sex betrifft, da war nicht viel. Die Männer dürfen dafür mit den Mädchen Sex haben, wann immer sie wollen.[6] Die Perlen kennzeichnen die Frau als Besitz des Mannes.Sonst leben Mann und Frau relativ getrennt. I opened the inside cover and read that the book was an autobiography about a Swiss woman who fell instantly in love with a Masai man and gave up her life in Switzerland to live with the man in the African bush. Every time she called Lketinga "my darling," I wanted to vomit. Of de eerste keer dat ze met Lketinga in een lift wil stappen en hij zeer wantrouwig is. Hautnavigation anspringen Hauptinhalt anspringen Footer anspringen verlag. She never seemed to respect his culture or understand that her behavior created a lot of problems too. As a woman who also fell head over heels in love with a man from a completely different culture, I was curious to see what would happen. She also has to deal with everyday hardships like keeping clean, using the toilet and having a comfortable place to sleep. En dan is het ook nog een Masai krijger en ben je op vakantie met je huidige vriend. Oder er hat Wasser geholt, auch eine typische Frauenarbeit. Het boek leest vlot, maar reeds van in het begin dacht ik: hoe stom kan je zijn, zo achter een man aanlopen, iemand met wie je niet eens kan communiceren zowel Corinne als Lketinga kenden maar een paar woordjes engels, als gemeenschappelijke taal. One feels sympathy for Hofmann, who falls in love with a Masai man she meets while on vacation in Mombasa. Also das gesamte Dorf. Doch auch Kritik begleitete das biografische Projekt. Dit is wat de Zwitserse Corinne Hofmann tijdens haar vakantie in Kenia is overkomen. Ihr Mann würde sie nie mit Napirai gehen lassen, denn das Kind gehört dem Stamm. Thankfully the book doesn't get bogged down completely in the "romance" aspect. She caught malaria and later on, hepatitis. I have a degree in intercultural Communication which may explain why I dislike this woman so much. It described in details the everyday life of Samburu people occupying the dry lands of Kenya; their odd beliefs, daily struggles for food and water as well as the significant role Priests and European doctors play in their lives. Und er wird sich auch nicht umdrehen, das bringt Unglück. She started living in a humble hut in the Samburu district. She's telling the story in retrospect which certainly must contain abridgments. Unsere Leser:innen müssen nichts bezahlen, wissen aber, dass guter, kritischer Journalismus nicht aus dem Nichts entsteht. Massai küssen nicht. I just think that she's an ignorant dufus. Ohne diese Beweise, diese Zugeständnisse hätte ich mich nicht orientieren können, wie er zu mir steht. Und sie hat seine neue Familie kennengelernt. How do you fall in love with someone that you cannot communicate with, have little to nothing in common with, doesn't even satisfy you physically, and has dramatically different ideas on gender equality, raising children and life than you do?? I was rooting for Corinne as she went from strength to strength. Wirf dir eine Decke über und alles ist gut. Jetzt unterstützen. Und zwar jetzt sofort. I think a great deal of this book is revisionist.