HSE-BMS Color Coding and Inspection. The purpose of this training is to perform an effective inspection, and easily identify that the quarterly inspection is done. This training covers the minimum requirements for the color coding of tools and equipment after inspection. Competent person. Color Coding and Inspection The color coding denotes the successful completion of the inspection. A copied inspection report shall be given to HSE Manager. The scheduled inspections and color coding of tools and equipment shall be detailed in the Color Coding Procedure. The color coding tag shall be posted at the site bulletin boards and specified in the site HSE handbook. An allowance of fourteen days, from the 1st to the 14th of January, April, July and October, shall be permitted to facilitate the re- inspection, recoding and color-coding of all tools and equipment. This two-week period shall allow for a controlled inspection process to avoid the inspection of a large number of items at the last minute. During this period both adjacent-period colors shall be valid. Following this period, any equipment not having completed the re-inspection process shall be considered defective and withdrawn from service until re-inspection is completed. JANUARY JULY APRIL AUGUST OCTOBER FEBRUARY MAY MARCH SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER JUNE DECEMBER. If the item cannot be repaired Rig Safe Compressor Huren site, the supervisor shall have the item removed from the project site. The unauthorized removal of a tag shall be considered a serious breach of project safety requirements. The record shall be filed by the HSE section Rig Safe Compressor Huren respected section. Navigationsmenü öffnen. Hochgeladen von Satya Naidu. The document describes a color coding system for inspecting and identifying tools and equipment. Competent inspectors conduct quarterly inspections and tag items with color codes if they pass. Defective items are tagged as out of service until repaired. Inspection records are logged and defective items must be repaired or destroyed. The color coding system aims to promote safety by easy identification of inspected tools and removing unsafe equipment from use. Verfügbare Formate Als PPT, PDF, TXT herunterladen oder online auf Scribd lesen. Speichern HSE-BMS Color Coding and Inspection für später speichern. KI-verbesserte Beschreibung. Dokumentinformationen Klicken, um Dokumentinformationen aufzuklappen The document describes a color coding system for inspecting and identifying tools and equipment. Verfügbare Formate PPT, PDF, TXT oder online auf Scribd lesen. Dieses Dokument teilen Dokument teilen oder einbetten Freigabeoptionen Auf Facebook teilen, wird in einem neuen Fenster geöffnet Facebook. Stufen Sie dieses Dokument als nützlich ein? Sind diese Inhalte unangemessen? Jetzt herunterladen. Zu Seite. Im Dokument suchen. Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen Chemical Compatibility Chart Dokument 1 Seite. Method Statement For Instrument Calibration Dokument 19 Seiten. Method Statement of Split AC Units Installation Dokument 12 Seiten. Inspection Item Color Code Dokument 3 Seiten. Mod 07 ESSAYS PT 1 Dokument 31 Seiten. Method Statement For Fire Alarm and Emergency System Installation Dokument 9 Seiten. Method Statement For Fire Alarm and Emergency System Installation. Summer Safety Dokument 44 Seiten.
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