About Us Privacy Policy Removal Request. Visit Tumblr Blog. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Last Seen Tumblr Zu Tiefer Blowjob Gifs Tumblr. Fun Fact. Tumblr was attacked by a cross-site scripting worm deployed by the Internet troll group GNAA on Dec 3, American zendaya african american Nigerian German Scottish. Okay alright sorry for all the sudden German politics influx but lemme explain what happened so far and why Germans are losing it a bit:. The tldr? Our government is getting a divorce and it's turning messy with elections being called early and now being called even earlier. They're centrist slightly more left leaning than right leaning. You could argue about that I am aware. There Zu Tiefer Blowjob Gifs Tumblr been infighting for as long as this coalition has been going on. It is also the first three party coalition since y know, the Last Time. Enough groundwork. The yellow party FDP has a finance minister Christiane Lindner it's this guy. You will see him in memes I am sure. We don't like him. He's an asshole and has blocked every meaningful change that the coalition had been trying to accomplish. He also got his finance plan blocked by our highest court because parts were against our Constitution. I am oversimplifying hard here it's actually more complicated than that and not fully his fault, but it's also not the focus. What WAS the fault though of him and the FDP was that they had a strong position of "saving money at all costs" which made bigger and bigger rifts with the two other coalition partners who were more leaftleaning. The war in Ukraine, Infrastructure, climate change - there were many places that needed more money and Lidner was like naaahhhhh for no fucking reason other than "oh we need to save money!! Long story short there have been arguing all the fucking time and therefore have started to lose approval. Drastically lose approval. As on for the first time since the Last Time there is a far right party in charge for part of the country that is also being investigated for being Nazis. Oversimplifying again. Which is. You know. Especially with Trump now being elected. It has us all a little skittish. You see. We were all still trying to stomach Trump winning the US election, when Scholz, in the same fucking evening, fired Lindner. And not in a polite way. Olaf fucking Scholz our Chancellor, notorious for saying literally nothing, and with a running joke that he regularly stops existing bc that man Does Not Take Stances, a spine of wet cardboard, delivered this yesterday evening:. English subtitles by me you already got this far watch it I spent too much time on this lol. And it is insane alright. For his standards and German politic standards thats the equivalent of calling Lindner a egomaniacal bitch that has only his self interest at heart and can not be trusted. Lindner and his party have been pulverised in all recent elections. Which means that after he was fired, the FDP completely withdrew from the coalition and all minister from the FDP resigned. What sort of shitty backstabbing kindergarten fight is this. Jokes aside hes the minister of transportation and says he needs to stay in office in important projects. Having minister resigning en mass is not good. Mind you, that's not usual ok. I know other countries have systems where they can call an election whenever but that is not a thing that normally happens here.
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